Local Services


Emergencies only    999 or 112    Non emergency calls    101
    https://www.thamesvalley.police.uk https://www.facebook.com/TVPAylesburyVale    #ThamesVP

Wing Office    Charlotte Cottage, 73 Leighton Road, Wing, LU7 0RD
Aylesbury Police Stn    Wendover Road, Aylesbury, Bucks. HP21 7ZS
Crimestoppers    0800 555 111
Neighbourhood Watch    Diane Brown    396262
Schemes in Bell Walk, Brewhouse Lane, Church Street, Knolls Close, Leighton Road, Nup End Lane and The Dean.


Emergencies only    999 or 112    urgent but not life threatening calls    111
Defibrillators are located at Wingrave Park, Community Centre and Upper Wingbury Courtyard.
Doctors (GP)
    Ashcroft Surgery, Stewkley Road, Wing    https://www.ashcroft-surgery.co.uk/    688201
    Wing Surgery, 46 Stewkley Road, Wing    http://www.wingsurgery.co.uk    681814 688949
     3W Friends Jan Lewis    jart.lewis@btinternet.com    07835 461361
Hospital    Stoke Mandeville    https://www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk/    315000

Social Services

Age UK Bucks    https://www.ageuk.org.uk/buckinghamshire/     431911
    Helping older people to live independently.

Better Housing Better Health     https://www.bhbh.org.uk/    0800 107 0044
    Help keep residents warm and well at home and improve the energy efficiency of their homes.

Caremark 4 Haybarn Business Park, Cublington Road, Aston Abbotts, HP22 4ND    641662
    Help and support in your own home from a local home care company.

CATS Community Association Transport Service, see WCA.

Citizens’ Advice Bureau 2 Pebble Lane, Aylesbury    0870 126 4056
     Bossard House, West Street, Leighton Buzzard    01525 373878

Dial-A-Ride    Door to door transport for elderly and disabled    330088

Environmental Health Help Line (for noise problems contact the police)    585605

Financial help for individuals and families, see Wingrave United Charities.

Help from the Heart    helpfromtheheart@hotmail.com    07429 217636

Helping Hand    https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/helping-hand    531151
    Help if you are in need of support, on low income or experiencing a financial emergency or crisis.

Home help from Hannahhannahmuckle19@gmail.com    07766 883706
    Supporting independent living.

Smart Choice Healthcare Services    Home care agency for care and support services    07983 621024

Meals on Wheels

Meals on wheels is no longer operating. An alternative providing meals if required is:
Wiltshire Farm Foods    https://www.wiltshirefarmfoods.com/    0800 077 3100

Wingrave Village Postie


A free service run by WCA whereby villagers register their email addresses to receive news of events, club meetings, local business services, Thames Valley Police messages, items wanted or for sale and much more. The Postie uses the MailChimp Service to sent out blind copies to maintain confidentiality of email addresses, protect confidentiality, control spam and remove potential harmful attachments. New subscribers can sign up by following this link: https://www.wingrave-wca.co.uk/postie/. Please don’t forget to include your contact details on any posts where you are expecting a reply.

Utilities and Environmental

Gas    Gas Escapes    0800 111999
    SGN https://sgn.co.uk/
Electricity    Emergencies and power cut Tweet @ukpowernetworks    105
    https://www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk for the latest updates.
British Telecom    Faults    0800 800151
Anglian Water    Water leak    0800 771881
Thames Water    Sewerage problems    (also tell the Parish Clerk)    0800 714614

Flooding    Report any flooding to    floodmanagement@buckinghamshire.gov.uk
Roads    see Buckinghamshire Council
Street Lights    Report faults to the Parish Clerk    info@wwrpc.org.uk 07541 629224    
Refuse/recycle collection    Wednesday
    garden waste collection    alternate Wednesdays except December and January
    https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/waste-and-recycling/report-a-missed-bin-collection/    585510
Waste wizard    https://www.recycleforbuckinghamshire.co.uk/waste-wizard
Bulk waste disposal    Large items such as furniture or large appliances can be collected direct from home, see: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/waste-and-recycling/book-a-bulky-waste-collection/

Wingrave School PTFA collect unwanted items, text 07972 608142 or leave at 10 Parsonage Farm.

Ivinghoe & Pitstone Repair Café

ivinghoerepaircafe@gmail.com The Hub, Ivinghoe Green. Not-for-profit repair cafe once a month on the 4th Saturday morning. Come with any items/clothes that need repairing/fixing/help with technology to encourage RE-USE rather than throwing these items away.

Wing Community Library

71 Leighton Rd      Facebook: @wing.community.library     Twitter: @Wing_library
    open Mon Tue Fri 2-4:30pm, Wed Sat 10am-12:30pm


See also child minder

Baby Sensory    northbucks@babysensory.co.uk    07876 643276
    Every Thursday 10, 11:30am, 1pm in the Community Centre £8.50 per session, booking is required.

Wingrave Baby & Toddler Playgroup    wingraveplaygroup@gmail.com
    Every Monday 10.00-11.30 am, term time only at the Community Centre. Aimed at 0-5, we have an excellent selection of toys and activities including, role play, crafts and nursery rhymes. £2.50, 50p for each additional child. Includes snack for the children and tea & coffee for the grown ups. All welcome.

Wingrave Pre-School    https://wingravepreschool.co.uk    682217
    We run from 9-3 each day school term time only. A safe and stimulating environment with varied activities of learning and play whilst delivering Ofsted early years foundation stage curriculum for children age 2 plus. Located next to the School on Twelve Leys.

Wingrave Church of England Combined School https://www.wingrave.school    681436
    Head Teacher    Matt Tomson (head@wingrave.school)    office@wingrave.school

PTFA     Facebook @WingraveSchoolPTFA    ptfa@wingrave.school
    Wingrave Parents Teachers and Friends Association is a charity that raises extra funds through various
    events to enable Wingrave School to run activities or purchase equipment to enrich school life.

MacIntyre School    school@macintyrecharity.org https://www.macintyrecharity.org    681274
    https://www.twitter.com/meetmacintyre    https://www.facebook.com/MacIntyreCharity1
    Head of Operations:    Laura Busfield    laura.busfield@macintyrecharity.org
    MacIntyre School is happy to share the hall, drama suite and gymnasium with outside users. Please
    enquire at the school office (681274) if you would like more details.

Cottesloe School, Wing    https://www.cottesloe.bucks.sch.uk 688264