About the WCA
Wingrave Community Association (WCA) promotes community activities within the villages and manages the Community Centre. It also acts as the supporting body for many of the groups whose details will be found in this Directory.
Chairman Andrew chair@wingrave-wca.co.uk
Secretary Jacqui Hutton secretary@wingrave-wca.co.uk
Treasurer Lynne Crump treasurer@wingrave-wca.co.uk
Caretaker Sophie Ratcliffe bookings@wingrave-wca.co.uk 910991
Bar Manager Lynne Roxbee Cox bar@wingrave-wca.co.uk 07702 345176
Bookings Secretary Sophie Ratcliffe bookings@wingrave-wca.co.uk 910991
Membership Secretary Suzanne Cuthbert s.m.cuthbert@outlook.com 07736 942686
Web site Manager Joe Purnell web-admin@wingrave-wca.co.uk
A varied programme of social events in the Community Centre is organised by the Association, including barbecues in the summer, family evenings in the winter, bingo, visiting theatres, over 60s Christmas lunch, the Christmas Ball and Social Evenings. The Community Centre is available for hire for club and personal events with free hire on Friday evenings for parish clubs and societies, full details are available from the Bookings Secretary. The Association will provide a bar for events, details from the Bar Manager.
Facebook pages
Social Evenings
Tony Horne 681418 tony@hornes.plus.com. Every Friday from 8pm in the Community Centre. Real ale, a selection of wines, gins, single malt whiskies and the usual bar selection of drinks. Everyone is welcome, just drop in and enjoy some good company. Special events are organised, details of which are in the Communiqué.
The Association publishes the Communiqué, a monthly newsletter of general interest, which is delivered free to all households in Wingrave and Rowsham and is available from the WCA web site. Email contributions to: communique@wingrave-wca.co.uk.
Editorial team: Andy Targell, Lynne and Nigel Crump, Penny Dell 688466
Advertising: Lynne Crump treasurer@wingrave-wca.co.uk 688466
Diary of Events
John Hawkes 681022 diary@wingrave-wca.co.uk. The Village Diary is a central calendar of local events. Diary entries for the next two months and regular weekly events are published in the Communiqué, the full Diary is sent monthly by email to the secretaries of clubs and societies and is available on the WCA web site.
Wingrave Postie see Local Services page 5
Community Grants Scheme
The Community Grants Scheme provides financial assistance for projects or events which benefit the local community. Contact the Treasurer for more information, scheme rules and an application form.
Community Association Transport Service
CATS is a transport service provided by volunteer drivers for anyone without their own transport and who are unable to use public transport to get to the doctor’s, hospital, hairdresser and other essential places. CATS cannot take you to airports, etc. To arrange a lift, for which a small charge may be made, contact David Harnett 681782 dnkharnett@gmail.com giving as much notice as possible.
Social Evenings
Tony Horne 681418 tony@hornes.plus.com. Every Friday from 8pm in the Community Centre. Real ale, a selection of wines, gins, single malt whiskies and the usual bar selection of drinks. Everyone is welcome, just drop in and enjoy some good company. Special events are organised, details of which are in the Communiqué.
The Association publishes the Communiqué, a monthly newsletter of general interest, which is delivered free to all households in Wingrave and Rowsham and is available from the WCA web site. Email contributions to: communique@wingrave-wca.co.uk.
Editorial team: Andy, Lynne and Nigel Crump, Penny Dell 688466
Advertising: Lynne Crump treasurer@wingrave-wca.co.uk 688466
Diary of Events
John Hawkes 681022 diary@wingrave-wca.co.uk. The Village Diary is a central calendar of local events. Diary entries for the next two months are published in the Communiqué, the full Diary is sent monthly by email to the secretaries of clubs and societies and is available on the WCA web site.
Wingrave Postie
see Local Services.
Community Grants Scheme
The Community Grants Scheme provides financial assistance for projects or events which benefit the local community. Contact the Treasurer for more information, scheme rules and an application form.
Community Association Transport Service
CATS is a transport service provided by volunteer drivers for people without a car and who are unable to use public transport to get to doctors’ surgeries, hospital and other essential places. CATS cannot take you to airports, etc. To arrange a lift, for which a small charge is made, telephone Janet Frost 681244 giving as much notice as possible.