LOCAL Authority
The Parish Council consists of 8 Councillors, meetings are held at 7:30pm normally monthly on Tuesday in the Community Centre. Meetings dates will be found on the Communique Diary page and the PC website. Parishioners are welcome to attend meetings and are invited to comment on any of the agenda items prior to the meeting, there may also be the opportunity to comment at the meeting. The agendas are displayed on the parish notice boards, the PC website and sent via the Village Postie.
WILD group promotes biodiversity in the parish. Its main activities are monitoring local wildlife, bird surveys, encouraging people to adopt wildlife friendly practices, and nurturing sites where nature can flourish. It also undertakes clearance and litter picking where needed. Please contact Cllr. Jan Walmsley if you’d like to learn more or get involved.
Web site: https://
Jeremy Pugh (Chairman) chairman@WWRPC.
Alison Barlow abarlow@wwrpc.org.uk 07738 965298
Gavin Chater gchater@WWRPC.org.uk
Sanchia Davidson sdavidson@wwrpc.org.uk 07719 588330
Mary Lawrence mlawrence@WWRPC.
Phil Robinson probinson@WWRPC.
Paul Stearns pstearns@wwrpc.org.uk
Jan Walmsley jwalmsley@WWRPC.
Parish Clerk
Jill Flanders info@wwrpc.org.uk
email is the best form of contact and will be answered within 2 working days.
The Recreation Ground is owned by, and Wingrave Park is leased by, the Parish Council. These sports grounds are managed by WWRSAL.
The Green, Pond and Twelve Leys Green are owned and managed by the Parish Council.
Allotments The allotments are managed by WARGAS.
Street Lights Report any lights not working properly to the Parish Clerk.
All departments https://www.
emergency our out-of-hours team 0800 999 7677
Roads https://fixmystreet.
Grass verges cutting contact the Parish Clerk
Flooding Report any flooding to floodmanagement@
Peter Cooper 07860 258833 681250
11 Brewhouse Lane, Rowsham, HP22 4QT Peter.Cooper@
Diana Blamires 07748 937484
16 Catchpin Street, Buckingham, MK18 7RR Diana.Blamires@
Ashley Bond 07976 729567
Wayside, Oving Road, Whitchurch, HP22 4ER Ashley.Bond@
Greg Smith MP https://www.gregsmith.
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA 0207 219 4287
Constituency office: 34 Buckingham Road, Winslow, MK18 3DY 714240