Leisure, Sport & Social

Wingrave with Rowsham Sports and Leisure (WWRSAL)

WWRSAL was formed in 1999 with the object of promoting sporting and leisure activities in the parish. It manages, on behalf of the Parish Council, both the Recreation Ground and Wingrave Park including both pavilions, sports grounds, skatepark and children’s play area. The sports clubs who use the sports grounds are affiliated to WWRSAL. Wingrave Park pavilion and the hard courts can be booked for private functions and games via the Bookings Secretary. Tokens for the flood lights meters are available from the village shop and Wingrave Park pavilion bar.

Chairman    Gavin Chater
Secretary    WWRSAL@hotmail.com
Pavilion Bookings    Julie Mann    julieannemann66@gmail.com    07585 454299

WWRSAL organises the annual Village Fête.


Wingrave with Rowsham Sports and Social Club (WWRSSC)

WWRSSC runs on behalf of WWRSAL a bar facility, organises fund raising activities and provides staffing and catering, when needed, to hirers at Wingrave Park. BT Sports is available as are darts and pool. A bar menu is available. Opening hours are displayed at the entrance or can be confirmed by the Bar Steward. Membership is open to all by application without fee but members of Affiliated Sports Clubs have automatic registration. Guests are always welcome accompanied by a member. Only members and their guests can buy alcoholic drink because of the restrictions of the licence.

Chairman    Phil Robinson    paulaandphilrobinson@hotmail.co.uk    681296
Secretary    Chris Harrison    ccsharrison@gmail.com    688782
Bar Manager    Julie Mann    julieannemann66@gmail.com    07585 454299


Friday Social Evenings in the Community Centre

See WCA.



Wingrave and Rowsham are most fortunate to have so many people who give of their spare time to help run the many different organisations that exist within the villages. Below you will find brief details of each group together with a contact name. You will be made most welcome at any of their meetings or events. Details and notice of events appear in the Communiqué as well as on Village Postie.

Art Club

Jane Muir 681513 janefdmuir@btinternet.com. We meet every Tuesday 7:30-9:30pm in the Methodist Church The club is open to all, complete beginners and those wanting to continue or restart leisure painting. Most meetings have a theme/plan which is optional and there are occasional workshops. We do not have a tutor but share ideas and learn from each other.


Fortnightly barbecues for all the family are organised by the WCA at the Community Centre during the summer, see the Communiqué for details.

Bell Ringers

Jen Hutchinson 681879 jen29hutch@gmail.com. Ringing practice every Wednesday evening 7:30−9 at the Parish Church. We’re looking for more ringers so please get in touch if you would like to learn. You are welcome to come and see us on practice nights.


In the Community Centre the third Friday every month eyes down 7:30pm, raffle and snowball accumulator, all ages welcome.

Bowls Club

Nigel Crump shoot@nigelcrump.co.uk 688466, 07976 22001, Dave Clements 682518. The green, on the Recreation Ground, is open early April to late September. Club night Monday 4:30pm onwards, new players are welcome to come along and play all equipment provided, no experience necessary. Reduced membership fees for new and junior members and qualified coaching provided. Play in club tournaments, inter club friendlies and league matches weekends and midweek, or just play anytime for fun.

Camera Club (WINPIC)

Nigel Crump shoot@nigelcrump.co.uk 688466, 07976 22001 The club has regrouped in a WhatsApp group called WINGRAVE PIC. The idea is to become less structured and organise random trips out. This could be a couple of hours or a weekend, but also individuals might like to just invite anyone along on a walk with a camera or a specific trip out. If this is something that interests you then please contact Nigel, the only thing you will need is a camera.

Community Choir

John Cotton 681226 johnwgcotton@gmail.com. Young or old, if you enjoy singing come along as we sing anything from Bach to the Beetles! You don’t even have to read music! We meet on Monday nights at 8pm in the Methodist Church.

Cricket Club, Long Marston

Chairman Paul Dumpleton 07970 720727 Paul.Dumpleton@Outlook.com https://www.longmarstoncc.co.uk We have three Saturday teams playing in the Cherwell League and a Sunday XI playing friendlies. We also have a junior section with training on Sunday mornings and games through the summer. We cater to all abilities and always welcome people looking to umpire or score as well. The bar is open to everyone on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the summer, and on Sundays from 12-2 in the winter.

Cricket Club, Wing with Wingrave

http://wing.play-cricket.com. Home games are played at Wingrave Park on Saturday afternoons. Indoor nets at Cottesloe School on Saturday mornings during winter and spring. Outdoor nets throughout the summer at Wingrave Park. All players are welcome regardless of age or ability.

Croquet Club

Secretary Chris Harrison ccsharrison@gmail.com 688782. Club tournaments, league play or inter club friendlies organised in addition to regular Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday play throughout the season. Qualified coach provides introductory instruction and handicapping. Members may use all facilities and introduce guests subject to court priorities. First three sessions free before membership fees apply. Junior members welcome at reduced fees.

Fantasy Football

Matt Brown mattbrown14@gmail.com You are very welcome to join the thriving Wingrave FPL league. Visit the FPL site, select your squad and then click this link to join the league: https://fantasy.premierleague.com/leagues/auto-join/op6gvs


The annual village fête in July is organised by WWRSAL at Wingrave Park, details are announced in the Communiqué or on Postie or contact wingrave.fete@gmail.com.

Football Club

Rob Fenn 07976 514657 wingravefc@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/wingravefc. First and Reserve teams play on Saturdays in the Aylesbury and District League and Veterans team play on Sundays in the Milton Keynes Vets league. All teams train on a Tuesday night at the sports club. Anyone interested in playing or just for training or getting involved please contact Rob or come along.

Junior Football Club (Wingrave Wasps)

Boys and Girls 5-12 years, training and matches on Saturday mornings at Wingrave Park during autumn and spring terms. For all contacts and more detail please refer to the club website: https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/wingravejuniorfootballclub/

Guides, Brownies & Rainbows

All guiding activities in the village have ceased.

Gun Club

David Bradford david@aylesburystudios.com 668829 07548 766235. Clay pigeon shoots are held every fortnight on Sunday 10am at Old Airfield, Gubblecote, disciplines shot are: skeet, ABT, compac.

Martial Arts

ZKS Martial Arts Ben Babbington info@zksma.co.uk http://www.zksma.co/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/ZKS-MA/285392455680. Martial arts classes for children 5 years and over, 6-8pm Wednesday evenings in the Community Centre.

Men’s Breakfast Talk

John Cotton 681226 johnwgcotton@gmail.com. Meets monthly on Saturdays 8:45am to 10:30am in the Methodist Church school room to discuss issues of the day. Food for thought and breakfast as well! See the Communiqué for details of meetings.

Netball Club

Georgie Camfield wingrave_netball@yahoo.co.uk 07740 624069 https://wingravenetball.com  Facebook: Wingrave Netball Club. Netball play at Wingrave Park and is available to all ages ranging from rising 5 to 70+ years. Five senior teams play in the Aylesbury League for those wishing to play competitively. Training Saturdays 10:15-11:30am all year. Informal get back to netball sessions open to anyone who wants to play for ‘fun and fitness’ on Tuesdays 7-8pm.
Walking Netball: ideal for over 40s or recovering from injury or pregnancy on Tuesdays 6-7pm.
Juniors: years reception to year 6 Saturday 9-10am during term time.
Youth: years 7-11 Saturday 11:30am-12:30pm during term time.

Rowsham Band

Annie Cooper 07860 140041 annie@littlediggers.com The band consists of brass and woodwind players (anyone fancy being our drummer?) who play all kinds of popular music, (from the 20s up until about 1970) as well as hymns and carols and Christmas songs. We are happy to play at all sorts of local events, don’t usually make a charge but ask for a donation for charity. We rehearse at Sunneyhill Barns in Rowsham. New members welcome, including learners.

Royal British Legion

Unfortunately the local branch has been disbanded. The nearest branch is Whitchurch & District RBL, see https://counties.britishlegion.org.uk/counties/buckinghamshire/contact-us/branches/. New members from the Wingrave area will be most welcome.

Running Group

Michelle Noble 07764 531214 The village running group (Everybody Run) meets every Saturday at Wingrave Park 8-9am. A fun and varied session. All abilities welcome. Sessions are taken by qualified run leaders.

Scouts, Cubs & Beavers

All scouting activities in the village have ceased.

Swingrave Dance

Sandy Bennett sandybennett001@gmail.com 07918 167217. Dancing to music from 20s – 60s, all dance styles welcome. Entry includes refreshments and cake, charity raffle, licensed bar. 1st Sunday of alternate months (Jan, Mar,…) 3-7pm in the Community Centre.

Tennis Club

Henrietta Cheung hmbridgman@hotmail.com https://clubspark.lta.org.uk/WingraveTennisClub A friendly group catering for all ages and standards with coaching sessions, casual play and matches. Club sessions every Monday 7:30pm. Junior coaching Saturday from 10am.

Twinning Association

Jo Fairhurst 682696 Jo_Mark@yahoo.com. Wingrave has been twinned with La Bouëxière in Brittany for over 35 years. Every other year French families stay with us in Wingrave for 3 nights and the following year we visit them. We particularly welcome families with children who participate in sporting events. We also organise the January quiz and the spring jumble sale in order to raise funds for the exchanges.


Wingrave And Rowsham Garden and Allotment Society. Contact: Garry Dawson 681489 dawsongn@gmail.com. Allotment plots in Winslow Road. The annual show in July has a high standard of sweet pea, flowers, vegetables, home produce, crafts and photography exhibits.

Wingrave Monday Walkers

Jan Walmsley susanscottage@btinternet.com 681522 07813 085211. We walk on the second Monday of each month. The group of around 6-8 people and walks are usually around 6-7 miles in the local area with some walkers driving to the start point and providing lifts to others. Lunch will be in a pub, or a picnic in summer months. We need to pre-order any pub lunch so it is important to know who is coming in advance. Dogs generally welcome.

Wingrave Players

Jon Beardmore 681961 thewingraveplayers@gmail.com. The Players normally produce a pantomime every year and sometimes other events. Opportunities for everyone on stage, back stage, technical, props, scenery, front of house etc. New members and ideas for shows welcome.

Wingrave Ramblers

Peter Jones 681563 pandj.dimmockj@tiscali.co.uk. Monthly walks, 4-5 miles, on Sunday morning 9:30 to lunch time, and a Friday evening walk in summer, meet Nup End Lane.

Wingrave School PTFA

see Education.

Wingrave Singers

Brenda Horne 681418 wingravesingers@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/591836864279741 A chamber choir who aim for a high standard and have sung services at many cathedrals around England. We also perform at fund-raising concerts locally including in the Parish Church. We rehearse weekly during term time in Wingrave Parish Church on Fridays 8:00-9:45pm. All singers welcome, young to old, an ability to sight read music is helpful.

Wingrave with Rowsham Heritage Association

Linda Hooton (Secretary) 682471 www.wingrave-rowsham-heritage.org.uk lindahooton@btopenworld.com The Association maintains the village archives and continues to research the history of the parish for the benefit of the local and wider community. Regular talks on topics of interest are held, together with visits and occasional exhibitions. Everyone is welcome at all our events.

Wingrave Volunteering Group

Tais Bonafe 07939 441182 taisbonafe@hotmail.com, Sophie Ratcliffe 07866 730304 sophs_w@hotmail.com Help for anyone who perhaps requires a little assistance: prescriptions, a lift to GP or hospital or even some food shopping. We are far from being able to do anything medical related, but a lift or a chat might ease things a bit.

Women’s Institute

Jan Roach janroach@hotmail.com The local branch of this respected national organisation meets on the first Wednesday each month in the Methodist Church school room 10am-12 noon, visitors welcome.